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​長谷川 敏 (はせがわ さとし)

また 新国立劇場でのオペラ水野修孝作曲「美女と野獣」(日本オペラ協会)に出演した。


​現在 茨城大学名誉教授、東京二期会会員。
Libero Canto. Japan 主宰、声楽指導者。

Graduated from the Department of Voice at Tokyo University of the Arts. Completed postgraduate studies at the same university. Graduated from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Performed as tenor soloist in the 'Geidai Messiah' and appeared in NHK Newcomer Concerts in Japan. Tenor solo in the Vienna Orchestra Concerts at the Vienna Musikverein's Great Hall.
Recitals at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo Opera City and elsewhere, and concert performances of the Ninth and Messiah with the New Japan Philharmonic, Kanagawa Philharmonic and other orchestras. In opera,
he has performed Minamoto no Yorike in Shuzenji Monogatari (The Tale of Shuzenji), Daimyo (The Tale of Three Women) and Daimyo (Ada) with the Japan Opera Association. He has sung Yohyo in Yuzuru, Alfredo in La Traviata, Tamino in The Magic Flute, Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi, Count Almaviva in The Barber of Seville, Caspar in Amahl and the Night Visitors and the narrator in Lucretia for various organisations.
He also appeared in the opera Beauty and the Beast by Shuko Mizuno at the New National Theatre (Japan Opera Association).

He has been a lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts, Ochanomizu University, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, and Ibaraki University.

Currently Professor Emeritus at Ibaraki University and member of the Tokyo Nikikai.
Principal of Libero Canto. Japan and voice instructor.

​◆ 師事した方々 ◆

Lajos Szamosi (ウィーン国立音楽大学教授)
Edvin Szamosi (ウィーン市立音楽大学講師) 
Anton Dermota (宮廷歌手、ウィーン国立音楽大学教授)
Helmut Deutsh (ウィーン国立音楽大学教授)
Todor Masarof (宮廷歌手、ウィーン市立音大教授)
Ivonne Rodd-Marling (Husler声楽学校)
柴田 睦陸 (東京藝術大教授)
中村 健 (国立音楽大教授)
畑中 良輔 (東京藝術大教授)

✦ Teachers.
Lajos Szamosi (Professor at the State University of Music Vienna)
Edvin Szamosi (Lecturer at the City University of Music Vienna)
Anton Dermota (court singer, professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Helmut Deutsh (Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Todor Masarof (Court singer, professor at the City University of Music Vienna)
Ivonne Rodd-Marling (Husler School of Voice)
Mutsuku Shibata
柴田睦陸 (Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts)
Ken Nakamura (Professor at Kunitachi College of Music)
Ryosuke Hatanaka (Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts) 

◆ Link ◆

澤木 輝美 (パルマ国際ヴェルディコンクール入賞, リリコイタリアーナのプリマとして長年勤める)

日吉 武 (鹿児島大学教育学部音楽科教授・合唱指揮者・ピアニスト)

上田 武夫(昭和音楽大学声楽科講師)
​     ・桐光学園高等学校合唱部

中村 拓紀(合唱指導者・上野学園大学音楽学部講師)
​     ・Facebook
​     ・大久保混声合唱団

葛岡 美佐男(元全日本音楽教育研究会高等学校部会理事, 
                        元神奈川県立高等学校音楽教諭・現在フリー声楽指導者, LCJ事務局)
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園部 菜生子(元千葉ジュニアオペラ学校合唱指導者, 元千葉ジュニアオペラ合唱団指導者・
      現在NOAバレエスタジオピアニスト, LCJ専属ピアニスト, LCJ事務局)
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